AVI Merchandise FormBy auditory-verbal / March 25, 2024 Please print and send this Order Form with your payment to: Auditory-Verbal International, Inc.® 2121 Eisenhower Ave., Suite 402 Alexandria, VA 22314 AVI Baseball Cap $12.00 AVI Tote Bag $11.00 AVI T-Shirt $10.00 AVI Mug $6.00 AVI Sweatshirt $18.00 Captain Crayfish and the Treasure Chest $5.00 Name Address City/State/Zip Country E-mail Item(s) Size Color Price # of items TOTAL <<< Please Select Item >>> AVI Baseball Cap AVI T-Shirt AVI Sweatshirt AVI Tote Bag AVI Mug Captain Crayfish and the Treasure Chest SMLXL Blue <<< Please Select Item >>> AVI Baseball Cap AVI T-Shirt AVI Sweatshirt AVI Tote Bag AVI Mug Captain Crayfish and the Treasure Chest SMLXL Blue <<< Please Select Item >>> AVI Baseball Cap AVI T-Shirt AVI Sweatshirt AVI Tote Bag AVI Mug Captain Crayfish and the Treasure Chest SMLXL Blue <<< Please Select Item >>> AVI Baseball Cap AVI T-Shirt AVI Sweatshirt AVI Tote Bag AVI Mug Captain Crayfish and the Treasure Chest SMLXL Blue <<< Please Select Item >>> AVI Baseball Cap AVI T-Shirt AVI Sweatshirt AVI Tote Bag AVI Mug Captain Crayfish and the Treasure Chest SMLXL Blue VA Resident? VA residents add 4.5% Sales Tax to price (exclusive of shipping/handling) Sub TOTAL * Please contact AVI for shipping charges Shipping and Handling * Grand TOTAL Payment Method: < – Select Payment Method – >CheckMoney OrderVISAMastercard Name on Card: Account No: Expiration: JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC 200220032004200520062007200820092010 Signature: (I specifically authorize AVI to charge the total indicated on this form to my credit card.)