Auditory-Verbal International, Inc.

With your feedback and input, on June 28, 2004, the AVI Board of Directors unanimously adopted the following strategic plan. The plan charts the direction of the organization for the next several years. Thanks to the membership for their excellent feedback!



I. Increase awareness and understanding of Auditory-Verbal practice among consumers, professionals, and policymakers

II. Significantly increase the availability of Certified Auditory-Verbal professionals worldwide

III. Provide leadership in demonstrating the research-based outcomes of Auditory-Verbal practice

IV. Support the growth of Auditory-Verbal practice as an area of academic focus in post-secondary educational settings

V. Develop a strong sustainable organization


I. Increase awareness and understanding of Auditory-Verbal practice among consumers, professionals, and policymakers
A. Revisit A-V Principles to ensure exemplary standards of quality and professional inclusiveness
B. Create A-V educational/advocacy communications ?kits? targeted to:
    1) Consumers
    2) Professionals (e.g., neonatologists, pediatricians, family practitioners, ENTs,
    audiologists, speech-language pathologists, child psychologists, social workers,
    educators – typical classroom and special ed., Certification candidates)
    3) Policy-makers across all relevant units of governments and intra-governmental organizations
    4) Students, including high school, college, graduate school, career transition
C. Develop AVI?s website to meet best practices in website design and multi-lingual Internet communications
    1) Move The Auricle to an Internet-based publication and refocus its content toward
     professional audiences
D. Explore collaboration with AG Bell?s Volta Voices to provide consumer-focused A-V information
E. Identify and act on collaborative opportunities to provide A-V information internationally
    1) Support development of A-V Centers and inclusion of A-V practices across settings
F. Identify and act on opportunities to participate in A-V advocacy
    1) Develop long-term plans for AVI?s advocacy roles

G. Continue to conduct biennial conferences with emphasis on professional development and information-sharing. (Revisit biennial conference model).
H. Collaborate with AVLI to develop and distribute information and materials targeted to consumers and to Certification candidates, A-V mentors and supervisors, and other professionals
    1) Explore transition of all AVI publications to distribution through AVLI or other appropriate distributors

II. Significantly increase the availability of Certified Auditory-Verbal professionals worldwide
A. Maintain standards and enhance the Cert.AVT program
    1) Finalize integration of the videotaped screening component
    2) Streamline the process and simplify the paperwork for candidates and supervising professionals
    3) Establish a minimum two-year cycle for updates and changes to Certification requirements and the Bulletin of Information
    4) Publish fully updated ?05 Certification Bulletin of Information September 1, 2004
B. Explore development of a second Certification program targeted primarily to K-12 educators
    1) Potentially conduct pilot of second certification program in ?05
C. Make the Certification process available in multiple languages and with appropriate cultural adaptations
    1) Spanish written examination available in ?05
    2) Identify targeted languages and ongoing schedule of translations
D. Consider options and adopt the preferred model for globalization of the Certification program
    1) Determine the business model and implement a web-based examination system
E. Develop and implement a Certification marketing/communications campaign
F. Facilitate availability of mentorship and supervision opportunities
    1) Clarify the roles and responsibilities of Certification mentors and supervisors
    2) Establish systematic training and support for mentors and supervisors
    3) Formalize protocols for mentor and supervisor referral
G. Provide continuing education programs and calendar of education necessary to maintain Certification
    1) Define process to identify, approve, and facilitate connections with courses and alternatives
    2) Regularly poll Certified A-V professionals and other experts in the field to determine ongoing and emerging continuing education topics and resources

III. Provide leadership in demonstrating the research-based outcomes of Auditory-Verbal Practice
A. Facilitate a meta-analysis of currently available A-V outcomes data
    1) Publish findings including evidence base and areas for future funded research
B. Provide leadership toward the design and funding of a broad-based outcomes study
C. Develop long-term plan for the Ling Award

IV. Support the growth of Auditory-Verbal practice as an area of academic focus in post-secondary educational settings
A. Support the funding and participate in the design of the Ling Chair in Auditory-Verbal Practice and Research at the University of Ottawa
B. Convene international academic leaders to develop a long-term vision for A-V programs at the college and university levels

V. Develop a strong sustainable organization
A. Redefine the scope and function of the Board of Directors
B. Clarify roles and re-invigorate Committees*
C. Develop the staffing necessary to meet the strategic plan*
D. Develop and implement a plan for exemplary internal communications
E. With full board and staff participation, develop and implement a comprehensive financial resource development plan
    1) Grow to a XX annual operating budget, establish a $100,000 cash reserve, and initiate activity toward a permanent endowment fund
F. Analyze the membership options including dues, benefits, and collaboration opportunities with other membership organizations.
G. Develop AVI informational materials in print and other media
H. Align all association activities (e.g., Beebe Award, Pollack Scholarship) with the strategic plan.
I. Continually explore opportunities for collaborations with other organizations to advance AVI?s mission and develop an ongoing process to review new opportunities for ?fit? within the mission and goals.
J. Develop an ongoing process for appraisal of progress and achievement and for annual
renewal of the strategic plan.

* Proposed Committees and Staff


    1) Executive/Finance/Personnel
    2) Governance
    3) Certification
    4) Ethics
    5) Mentoring and Continuing Professional Education
    6) Financial Resource Development
    7) Marketing/Communications


    1) Full-time Executive Director/Director of Development
    2) Half-time Certification Program Director
    3) Full-time Development/Membership Services Associate
    4) Full-time Administrator
    5) Outsourced Psychometric and Education Consulting
    6) Outsourced Translation Services
    7) Outsourced Web Host for Certification Exams
    8) Outsourced Bookkeeping
    9) Outsourced Web Strategy Consultant
    10) Outsourced Web Site Designer and Web Master
    11) Outsourced Marketing/Communications design, writing, and production

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