Here are some hints and tips:
- The form is divided into two sections. The first section, General Information, asks you for your name, address, phone number and the like. The second section, Listed Information, requests the information you want posted on the Parent’s Page.
- You may exclude the web page URL, or your e-mail address, but not both. You might want to force visitors to visit your page before sharing your e-mail address with them. Please include your e-mail address in the General Information section though, as we may need it if we have any questions regarding your listing.
- We will not post your telephone number or your address on the page, even if you include these in the Listed Information section.
- You may elect to use nick names, or first names to remain anonymous.
- Contact the webmaster (see below) if you are interested in including a small picture of your child or your family in your listing (JPEG or GIF format).
- Usually, pressing “return” on your keyboard will submit the form. This often happens, accidentally. If you should accidentally submit the form before you are finished completing it, just press the “back” button on your browser and resubmit the form. The webmaster will use the last entry sent for the entry.
- Please contact the webmaster (see below) if you have questions.
- If you would like to change or delete an existing listing, please click here.
Contact the webmaster at [email protected]for additional information.
General Information
This information will not appear on thelisting, and is for AVI use only.
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