AVI Supports Better Hearing and Speech Month

AVI teamed up with the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) at an event on May 8 on Capitol Hill in recognition of Better Hearing and Speech Month.

Chairs of the Congressional Hearing Health Caucus, including Rep. Jim Walsh (R-NY), Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA), Rep. Jim Ryun (R-NY), and Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), addressed the gathering about their interest in hearing health issues.

Several groups, including AVI, exhibited at the event in an effort to raise aware-ness about hearing and speech issues. Lawmakers and their staffers perused the various exhibits and collected information.

AVI was there on behalf of you, the AVI membership, making policy- and decision-makers aware of the importance of the Auditory-Verbal approach.

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