Ling Chair in Auditory-Verbal Practice And Research Established

The University of Ottawa in Canada recently approved the establishment of a chair in Auditory-Verbal Practice and Research which will be named for the late Dr. Daniel Ling. The program will include an 18-credit postgraduate diploma in Auditory-Verbal Practice, conducted over two summers, and a practicum placement. It will be offered in both English and French.

Courses will also be offered to graduate students in Special Education, so that they may pursue a specialization in Auditory-Verbal Practice. The contact person at the University is Dr. Andree Durieux-Smith. The team is currently pursuing avenues for funding the chair.

Congratulations to all those on the team who are making this important initiative a reality, including Dr. Durieux-Smith as well as Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapists Judith Simser, Tina Olmstead, Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, and Christina Perigoe.

For more information on this program, contact Dr. Durieux-Smith at (613) 562-5800, ext. 8017
or via e-mail at [email protected].

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