Auditory-Verbal Therapist Certification




Copyright © 2000-2001 Auditory-Verbal International, Inc.
All rights reserved.

A Certification and Recertification Primer

Editors Note: Many aspiring Cert.AVTs have questions about the Certification process. In an effort to streamline the process, included in this edition of The Auricle are the current eligibility requirements to sit for the certification examination. Also set forth, for those therapists already certified, are Recertification Criteria and a blank “Annual Statement of Continuing Education Hours Earned for Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapists.” We hope this information proves useful to you in your situation, whether you would like to become a Cert.AVT or you are a Cert.AVT interested in recertification.


Eligibility Criteria for the Examination in Auditory-Verbal Development

You are eligible to sit for the 2002 Certification Examination in Auditory-Verbal Development if you meet the following eligibility requirements:

  1. A Masters Degree or equivalent post-baccalaureate education documented by a diploma in Audiology, Speech-Language Pathology, Education of Children with Hearing Loss, or related fields as approved by the Certification Council.

  2. Previous or present holder of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology (CCC-A), Speech-Language Pathology (CCC-SLP), or the equivalent license or credentials in Audiology, Speech-Language Pathology, or Education of Children with Hearing Loss.

  3. A minimum of three (3) calendar years of professional experience within the past six (6) years in an auditory based practice without the use of formal visual communication systems such as cued speech, sign language, or formal instruction in speechreading.

    These three (3) calendar years of professional experience must include a minimum of 2400 clock hours in activities supporting families utilizing the Auditory-Verbal approach with their children with hearing loss.  These required hours are based on a 40 hour week with a minimum of 20 clock hours/week over at least a three (3) year period or 10 clock hours/week over a six (6) year period.  A minimum of 2000 of these clock hours must be in the delivery of one-to-one parent/child centered direct auditory-based therapy. The remaining 400 hours may be in communication assessments, parent conferences, consultations with and inservice of related professionals, home and school visits, and assistance with audiological services. 

    The three (3) calendar years of professional experience needs to be completed regardless of the number of clock hours you complete in excess of the 2400 required.  It must also be acquired after receipt of your professional degree.

  4. A minimum of eighty (80) hours of coursework, observation, internship, or study in Auditory-Verbal theory and practice within the last three to six years.  This is considered only a minimum number of hours and does not represent sufficient training for competency in Auditory-Verbal practice. Documentation for activities described in points a. through f. must be submitted with your application.   Appropriate activities include:
  1. Attendance at AVI sponsored workshops, conferences, or special programs.

  2. Attendance at sessions of a major conference (ASHA, AAA, EAA, AG Bell, etc.) which are focused on Auditory-Verbal development and Auditory-Verbal intervention strategies and techniques.

  3. Observation of Auditory-Verbal Therapy conducted by a currently Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist (Cert. AVT).  This can be done via videotape where travel to the Cert.AVTs’ practice is not possible.

  4. Completion of a professional development week at an established Auditory-Verbal center or conducted by Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapists.

  5. Participation in a local study group under the guidance of a Cert.AVT reviewing Auditory-Verbal literature and case reviews of Auditory-Verbal Therapy.

  6. Completion of graduate level coursework in Auditory-Verbal theory, practice and techniques at a university/college.


If you wish to keep your Certification current 

Please be informed that the Certification Council voted at its Fall 2001 meeting to change the minimum number of continuing education hours required in the content area of auditory-verbal techniques.  In the past it was necessary to complete a minimum of three (3) of the required twelve (12) hours of continuing education per year in this content area.  

As of January 1, 2002, it will be required to complete a minimum of six (6) of the twelve (12) continuing education hours in the area of auditory-verbal techniques per year.  This change was announce in the 2001 Bulletin of Information now available for those professionals wishing to sit the Certification Examination in Auditory-Verbal Therapy in 2002.

The Certification Council of Auditory-Verbal International, Inc. has determined that the requirements shall be as follows:

The continuing education activities must be within the seven content areas of Auditory-Verbal Development which are:

  • Hearing  and Audiology
  • Auditory functioning
  • Spoken Language Communication
  • Child Development
  • Parent guidance
  • Auditory-Verbal Techniques and Procedures
  • History, Philosophy and Professional Issues

The following activities have been approved as continuing education activities by the Certification Standards Committee.  Content of activities should reflect one of the seven content areas indicated above:

  1. Attendance at conferences, conventions and workshops offered by AVI or other   professional organizations (both national and state/provincial) such as AAA, ASHA, ARA, ADA, CASLPA, OSLA whose programs have been approved to grant CEU’s by  authorized Board of Continuing Education (CEB).

    Attendance at  conferences not endorsed by a CEB must be accompanied by both verification of attendance and its relationship to the practice of Auditory-Verbal Therapy.

  2. Completion of a university/college course in an area that reflects the principles of Auditory-Verbal management and its application.  Please see Special Projects for teaching a university/college course.

  3. Supervision of practicum in Auditory-Verbal Therapy beyond the scope of one’s typical responsibilities.

  4. Mentoring professionals in Auditory-Verbal Development.  Submit mentoring proposal for approval and to determine the number of hours to be granted.

  5. Professional publication in one of the seven content areas of Auditory-Verbal Development.  Hours will be granted to all authors in the initial publication of an Auditory-Verbal article in an professional journal or magazine.  Please refer to Special Projects for other types of writing (2 clock hours/page).

  6. Professional presentations in one of the seven content areas of Auditory-Verbal Development.  Hours will be granted for presentation of information (workshop, seminar, short courses, speech, technical paper, poster session) of clinical or professional significance to a group of peers, allied professional and/or lay persons.  The activity could be developed as part of a staff continuing education program or as a presentation at a regional, state, provincial, national or international conference.  Presentations made for the first time will qualify for 2 clock hours per hour of presentation time.

  7. Special Projects in one of the seven content areas of Auditory-Verbal Development.  Special Projects must have proof of completion and satisfy at least one of the following conditions:
  1. Contribution to the participant’s growth in understanding on Auditory-Verbal Development and its applications.

  2. Be creative and provide some new applications of Auditory-Verbal principles.

  3. Increase public awareness of the contribution Auditory-Verbal intervention can make to the life of a deaf child.

Special projects will require written work (report, articles, etc.) as part of the documentation of the project.  A description of the proposed project must be submitted to the Certification Council for approval and to determine the number of hours to be granted.  Potential special projects are listed below.  This list should not be considered complete and will expand a s activities are reviewed and approved.

  1. Case Studies.

  2. Development of a new course for university curriculum.

  3. Editorial for newspaper or magazine.

  4. Editorial review of proposed article/book.

  5. Independent research.

  6. Observation of an Auditory-Verbal program or practice, with notes.

  7. Organization of a workshop or conference on Auditory-Verbal Development.

  8. Publication of a book.

  9. Publication of critique of an article/book

  10. Questions accepted for the Certification Examination in Auditory-Verbal Development.

  11. Service on a board of an established Auditory-Verbal or hearing agency.

  12. Visit to a manufacturer (cochlear implants, hearing aids, earmolds, etc.).

  13. Active service on an AVI committee,
  1. Retaking the Certification Examination in Auditory-Verbal Development.

    Twelve (12) hours of continuing education will be granted upon passing the exam.

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