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Copyright © 2000 Auditory-Verbal International, Inc.
All rights reserved.

Principles of Auditory-Verbal Practice

The Auditory-Verbal approach is based upon a logical and critical set of guiding principles which enable children who are deaf or hard of hearing to learn to use even minimal amounts of amplified residual hearing or hearing through electrical stimulation (cochlear implants) to listen, to process verbal language, and to speak.

The goal of the Auditory-Verbal approach is for children who are deaf or hard of hearing to grow up in typical learning and living environments and to become independent, participating citizens in mainstream society. The Auditory-Verbal philosophy supports the option for children with all degrees of hearing impairment to develop the ability to listen and to use verbal communication within their own family and community constellations.

Who… What… Where… When… Why?????
by Helen Hulick Beebe

Existing Evidence that Supports the Rationale for Auditory-Verbal Practice…

How to Evaluate your Child’s Auditory-Verbal Therapy
A Parent’s Guide, Ages 0-6

No Child is too Young to Have a Hearing Test

Did you know…?

  • One in 1000 babies is born deaf.
  • One in 50 infants in a neonatal intensive-care unit has a significant hearing loss.
  • Deaf infants babble for a few months and then stop.
  • Parents usually suspect a hearing loss before the doctor does.
  • Even newborns can be tested and fitted with hearing aids.
  • Specialized testing, such as the auditory brain stem test, is often used with neonates and can assess hearing in each ear.
  • Diagnosis is often delayed by several months and can result in delayed language development.

Suggested Protocol for Audiological and Hearing Aid Evaluation


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