Make a bid in AVI’s Silent Auction

You can help AVI and win a treasure trove of educational resources for your child at the same time if you're the highest bidder in AVI's Silent Auction.

  1. Longaberger Collector's vegetable basket/Learning to Listen toys
  2. Fantastic Collection of Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments
  3. Grab Bag of Hallmark Collectible Ornaments
    Plus Beanie Babies Galore !

Just complete and mail or fax the form below to AVI.

A.  The prize -- a 6" x 12" Longaberger Collector's vegetable basket -- is filled with various "Learning to Listen" toys that make a useful and fun addition for therapy and play for younger children.

B.  ~ Keepsake Ornaments ~

Christmas Ornament Collectors Won’t Believe It !!!

AVI has just received a generous donation of valuable Hallmark collectable ornaments. Bids will be accepted on individual collections.

ITEMS (All Sets in Original Boxes) MINIMUM BID
Tobin Fraley Carousel 1992-1995 Series 1-4 $120.00
Natures Angels 1990-1996 Series 1-7 $60.00
Bottlecap Miniatures (Forty Winks, Sweet Bouquet, Holiday Bunny) $25.00
Winter Surprise Penguins 1989-1992 Series 1-4 $50.00
Hark! It’s Herald 1989-1992 Series 1-4 $40.00
Limited Edition Bone China (Owls, Rabbits, Baby Lambs) Set of 3 $75.00
Collector Club (Our Clubhouse 1988, Collect A Dream 1989,
Hidden Treasure 1991, Rodney takes Flight 1992)
Star Trek
(U.S.S. Enterprise, Klingon Bird of Prey, Shuttlecraft Gailileo)
Ready for Christmas 1979
(Individual Collector’s ornament not in Original Box)


1. Brass Soldier Miniature 1991 15. Ski Tripper 1986
2. Brass Church Miniature 1991 16. Santa's Premiere 1991
3. Old English Village-Inn Miniature 1991
   Series 4
17. Cheerful Santa 1992
4. Folk Art Reindeer Miniature 18. Chilly Chap 1991
5. Away to the Window 1997 19. Glee Club Bears 1991
6. Santa Maria 1992 20. New Home Acrylic Ornament
7. Chinese Barbie 1997 Series 2 21. Partridge In a Pear Tree 1992
8. Happy Christmas to All 1997 22. Soccer Beaver 1985
9. Friendship Line 1992 23. Angelic Messengers 1986
10. Eager for Christmas 1994 24. O Christmas Tree 1992
11. Gift of Joy 1991 25. Snow Twins 1991
12. Bear - I - Tone 1989 26. Tread Bear 1992
13. Elvis 1992 27. Loving Stitches 1991
14. Baby Partridge 1989 28.  Two Bears Holding Hands 1988


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