Make a bid in AVIs Silent AuctionYou can help AVI and win a treasure trove of educational resources
for your child at the same time if you're the highest bidder in AVI's Silent Auction. Plus Beanie Babies Galore ! Just complete and mail or fax the form below to AVI. A. The prize -- a 6" x 12" Longaberger Collector's vegetable basket -- is filled with various "Learning to Listen" toys that make a useful and fun addition for therapy and play for younger children. B. ~ Keepsake Ornaments ~ Christmas Ornament Collectors Wont Believe It !!! AVI has just received a generous donation of valuable Hallmark collectable ornaments. Bids will be accepted on individual collections.
MINIMUM BID FOR GRAB BAG OF 28 ORNAMENTS -- $300.00 Please click here to submit your bid!Please click here to return to the AVI Home Page.