Hearing is one of your baby's earliest windows to the world. From birth, babies listen and begin to recognize certain sounds - the clatter of dinner preparations, the babble of running bath water, Daddy's footsteps coming up the stairs - and especially, Mother's and Daddy's voice. Hearing enables a child to respond to these sounds. It is important to detect hearing loss as soon as possible, because good hearing is essential for learning spoken language. A child who is ready to utter those precious first words already has heard a year's worth of language - language that must be heard repetitively before it can be given back. Should a child fail to hear well, he may have difficulty learning spoken language. Very few children who are born with hearing impairment are totally deaf. Early diagnosis, early and appropriate fitting of hearing aids and/or a cochlear implant with appropriate therapy and parental guidance, helps a child develop speech and spoken communication. To learn more, please click on the following: